Clarence Thomas Accepts Hitler-themed Envelope Labeled 'Bribe'
WASHINGTON — Justice Clarence Thomas was photographed accepting an envelope with an image of Adolph Hitler labeled “bribe” in front of the Supreme Court on Monday.
In a statement, Thomas acknowledged that the photo was authentic, adding, “What are you going to do about it?”
Asked for comment, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said he saw “no issue with the photo or Justice Thomas’ actions. Who among us hasn’t accepted a bribe in broad daylight from a Hitler enthusiast? The people calling attention to this are part of a partisan smear campaign against Justice Thomas.”
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer called the bribery “the most disgraceful thing I have seen in my 50 years in public service. I’m calling for Justice Thomas to resign immediately, maybe, if he feels like it; no worries if not.”
Rep. Nancy Pelosi sent a fundraising email Monday asking Democrats to donate “to help us take back the majority in the House so we can continue to do absolutely nothing to hold Justice Thomas accountable or reform the Supreme Court in any way.”